CLE Exterior Cleaning

Residential & Commercial

Servicing all of Lake County and surrounding areas

Our Services

Siding and Roofing

Refresh your home's exterior with our professional roof and siding pressure washing services! We safely remove dirt, mold, algae, and grime, restoring your home’s beauty while preventing damage. Using the right pressure and eco-friendly solutions, we ensure a deep clean without harming surfaces.

Driveway & Patio

Revive your outdoor spaces with our professional patio and driveway pressure washing services! We remove dirt, stains, moss, and grime, restoring the clean, polished look of your concrete, pavers, or stone surfaces. Enhance curb appeal and create a safer, slip-free area for your home.

Pool Decks & Patio Furniture

Restore the beauty of your outdoor space with our professional pool deck and patio furniture pressure washing services! We remove dirt, mold, mildew, and grime, making your deck safer and your furniture look like new.


Keep your business looking its best with our professional commercial pressure washing services! We remove dirt, grime, mold, and stains from storefronts, sidewalks, parking lots, and building exteriors, creating a cleaner, more inviting space for customers and employees. Enhance curb appeal and maintain a professional image—contact us today for a free estimate!

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Contact us today

Ready to give your home or business a fresh, clean look? We're here to help! Whether you need pressure washing for your roof, siding, driveway, patio, or outdoor furniture, our team delivers top-quality results.

📞 Call or Text: (440) 754-0049

📧 Email:

📍 Service Area: All of Lake County and surrounding areas including Chardon, Chesterland, Mayfield Heights, Ashtabula, Jefferson, Chagrin Falls, Bainbridge, Shaker Heights, and Euclid

Or simply fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Free estimates available! Let’s make your property shine!

Our CLEan Family